
DevBox Tools

Check GZIP Compression for Website Loading Optimization

Find out if GZIP compression is used on the site. The tool helps assess data compression and improve page loading speed.

Check GZIP Compression for Site Loading Optimization


GZIP compression helps speed up site loading by reducing the size of transmitted data. Our tool analyzes whether compression is enabled on the site and how effective it is.

Using GZIP reduces server load and improves user experience by reducing page load time.

This service is especially useful for webmasters who want to improve site performance and its position in search results.


Analyze GZIP Compression

Determines whether data compression is used on the site. This helps assess how optimized page loading is.


Improve Site Speed

GZIP compression allows you to reduce the size of transmitted data, reducing server load and increasing loading speed.


Check Compression Level

Determines the compression ratio and shows how effectively the site uses GZIP. This is useful for technical auditing of a web resource.