
DevBox Tools

Sample Size Calculator for Planning AB Tests

Calculate the required sample size for statistical research and experiments, taking into account the significance level and confidence interval.

Sample Size calculator

Conversion rates in the gray area will not be distinguishable from the baseline.

Sample size:


per variation

Percent of the time the minimum effect size will be detected, assuming it exists

Percent of the time a difference will be detected, assuming one does NOT exist

Sample Size Calculator for Planning A/B Tests


The sample size calculator helps determine how many observations are needed to obtain statistically significant results. This is important for planning experiments, research, and marketing tests.

The sample should be large enough for the results to be reliable, but not excessively large to avoid wasting resources. Our tool takes into account the confidence level, margin of error, and expected data variability.

This tool is useful for analysts, researchers, marketers, and anyone who works with statistical data and wants to optimally plan research.


Determine Minimum Number of Observations

Allows you to calculate how much data is needed to obtain statistically significant results.


Takes into Account Confidence Interval and Significance Level

Helps reduce the likelihood of error in experiments and marketing tests.


Useful for A/B Testing

Optimizes the data collection process, eliminating redundant resources for analysis.