
DevBox Tools

URL Decoder: Decode Encoded Links

Convert encoded URLs into a readable format. Useful for query parameters and working with HTTP requests.

Text Encoder/Decoder

URL Decoder: Decode Encoded Links


The URL decoding tool converts encoded links to their original form. This is necessary when analyzing URL parameters, working with redirects, and SEO optimization.

Encoded URLs are often found in browsers and API requests. The decoder helps restore text values, making them readable.

The service is convenient for web developers, SEO specialists, and those who analyze requests in the browser's address bar.


Decode Encoded URLs

Converts URLs containing characters like %20, %3A, and others into a readable format. This is necessary for analyzing and editing web links.


Useful for SEO and Analytics

Helps webmasters analyze GET request parameters and track URLs without encoding distortion. This improves the accuracy of working with web data.


Simplifies Work with APIs and Web Services

Decodes parameters passed through the URL, making them convenient for processing in browsers and server scripts.